March 6, 2024
Artificial intelligence (AI) will most likely play a significant role in politics from now and forever on. Political parties will use AI to develop strategies to win elections and to stay in power post elections. AI will help humans poll voter sentiment and trigger the necessary emotions (fear and greed) to motivate political participation. Besides the many ways in which AI will directly influence politics in the future, the AI learning paradigm can already help humans figure out the true rules of the game of politics. Hint: the issues and principles are irrelevant. It's all about two emotions: fear and greed. It's all about selling the convenience of socioeconomic privilege and the inconvenience of the loss of said privilege.
Below are some notes about intelligence, AI, learning, pain relief, zero sum games, politics, AI and politics, and future AI solutions.
Human intelligence sets humans apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. Intelligence is the ability to acquire knowledge and develop skills to solve problems. In short, intelligence is problem-solving ability. Problems are unpleasant facts or intriguing questions. There are many ways to solve problems from changing the variables and processes of cause and effect to changing the meaning or mental associations of facts and finding fitting answers to questions.
AI is computerized human-like intelligence. AI turns traditional computer programming on its head. Instead of a human programmer dictating the rules that a computer would follow, the programmer provides an ample set of correct or desirable problem solutions or answers. The computer is left to examine the data, identify cause and effect correlations, and derive what are the rules of the game. The AI program processes the information using parallel neural processing by association rather than sequential processing by automation. The result is a computer application that can figure out causality and learn in a way that resembles human intelligence and learning.
Humans learn by association (i.e. neural connections within the nervous system). Humans learn to associate signs to significance. That is, humans associate things to meanings, and can use language (code system) to associate (synaptically connect) specific signs to particular meanings.
Pain Relief (PR)
Humans, and all other living organisms, can be seen as organic computers genetically programmed to seek pain relief (PR) by avoiding pain and seeking pleasure. PR is all there is to life. Everything humans do or don't do can be easily explained by the pain / pleasure programming of life.
Fear and greed are the two main emotions of advanced nervous systems like the one in humans. Fear corresponds to pain. Greed corresponds to pleasure. Living organisms survive by avoiding pain and seeking pleasure. The nervous system allows humans to pick up environmental signals that are either genetically or culturally associated with either pain or pleasure.
The binary process of avoiding pain and seeking pleasure explains everything (absolutely everything) in human life. Any event in human history can be easily explained by the pain / pleasure mechanism of life. Whatever a human or group of humans did, does, or will do can be explained or predicted by application of the pain / pleasure programming of life seeking pain relief or "PR".
Zero Sum Game
In "zero sum" political systems (i.e. where the winning side gets all the power (100%) regardless of victory margin (e.g. 51% to 49%), humans learn to fear politics. Fear is a primal feeling that can prove very disheartening and divisive. AI could help in various ways from advising on more equitable policies that take into consideration victory margins to educating the electorate to understand the game of politics and how politicians play with primal feelings and visceral emotions.
As discussed below, politics is about the administration of power and the distribution of socioeconomic privilege. In zero sum game politics, rivals are super greedy of the rewards promised by their leaders and super fearful of losing those rewards. It's all about fear and greed. It's all about primal emotions. The rest are justifications and rationalizations.
Politics refers to the activities, actions, and principles related to governance and power within a society or organization. It encompasses various processes, including the formulation and implementation of rules (laws, regulations, policies, instructions); delegation of authority; and distribution of socioeconomic privilege.
Key variables of politics include:
- Ideologies: Sets of beliefs, values, and principles that shape individuals' and groups' perspectives on how society should be organized, how power should be exercised, and how privileges should be distributed. Common political ideologies include liberalism, conservatism, socialism, and libertarianism.
- Systems: Different forms of governance, such as democracy, monarchy, dictatorship, socialism, and others, which vary in terms of how power is distributed, how leaders are chosen, how decisions are made, and how privileges are distributed.
- Institutions: Organizations, structures, and procedures that facilitate political processes and functions, including legislatures, executive branches, judiciaries, political parties, and electoral systems.
- Policies: Decisions and actions taken by governments and other political actors to address societal issues, regulate behavior, and achieve specific goals. Public policy encompasses a wide range of areas, including education, healthcare, economic policy, environmental protection, and foreign affairs.
Politics is all about government or governance. Government is the system or institution exercising authority and on a community, society, or nation. Government institutions and decisions influence economic outcomes, and vice versa. The field of political economy studies issues such as taxation, government spending, regulation, trade policy, economic output, and socioeconomic inequality. Overall, politics deals with the administration of power over people, and how socioeconomic privileges are distributed in different human societies.
AI and Politics
In the years to come, AI will play a significant and ever increasing role in politics. AI will be used to identify voters' fears and desires to be exploited by politicians and political parties. AI will be used to spread information and misinformation to motivate political action. AI will be used to predict the likely reactions to government policies and initiatives. AI, just like computers and the internet in general, will be used for everything having to do with politics.
The AI paradigm can help humans figure out the true essence of politics. The AI paradigm is evaluating results to figure out the underlying rules involved. The AI paradigm can make humans smarter by skipping the process of learning what are the supposed rules of the game to deciphering the actual rules of the game. For example, many humans fool themselves into believing that they stand for particular issues or particular values. For example, they may believe that they are for law and order, for the environment, for equality, for whatever. Yet, they will easily find justifications and rationalizations to abandon those principles based on perceived personal and collective convenience.
In the human world, convenience always prevails. Humans do what is most convenient to them. This is based on the pain / pleasure programming of life. Humans can, and often do, accept pain over pleasure, but only when it is more convenient to them. When humans accept pain over pleasure, that is not a deviation of the pain / pleasure programming, but rather a confirmation. A human may accept physical pain over physical pleasure, but only if the trade yields psychological pleasure (i.e. perceived convenience).
Future AI Solutions
The AI paradigm can help humans realize the true rules of the game of politics. It's all about primal emotions. It's all about fear and greed. Humans seek pain relief (PR) by avoiding pain and seeking pleasure. Humans vote and participate in politics for self-serving convenience. The issues are irrelevant. What really matters in politics are the pain / pleasure mental associations of voters. Politicians touch the emotional buttons of humans and play with their fears and desires. Vote for me, and you will be better off. If the others win, you will be worse off. Be greedy of my promised rewards. Be afraid of others.
An advanced solution to the problem of divisive politics would be to eliminate the zero sum game structure of politics. That is, instead of having a party or candidate that wins a political contest by a slight margin (e.g 2%) assume 100% of the power, divide the power equitably by the results of the election. For example, a president that won the contest where 48% of voters did not vote for him or her, should only obtain 52% of the power. That would mean, for example, that policies implemented by that president must always consider the other 48% of the electorate. AI would help humans figure out how to make sure that all policies incorporate opposing views in sensible ways.
The solution above is too advanced for now. For the time being, nothing is going to change. American politics will continue being a zero sum game. Social media will continue dividing voters. That is fine. Democratic politics and elections are not perfect. They are simply better than the primitive alternative of war. In the past, political power was gained or lost in battlefield. In most of Europe, for example, the game of politics was a bloody game of thrones for millennia. Peaceful and democratic elections are far from perfect, but are better than war.
Let the game continue. Let winners win and losers weep. Relatively soon, AI will become a better political decision-maker than any human being. Human politicians and political parties will be aided and greatly influenced by AI. Some humans will become smarter thanks to AI because they will emulate AI thinking and will exploit the AI paradigm of finding the true causality of events rather than the supposed ones taught by human influencers and leaders. Many humans will become dumber thanks to AI because they will use their brains less and less, letting AI do all the heavy analytical thinking for them. Regardless, convenience will prevail. In the human world, convenience always prevails. Human life gets easier every day despite politicians and special interests making voters believe the contrary to manipulate them into political action.
Stay tuned to the ins and outs of the AI Revolution and the AI Era., AI for everyone
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