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Will "Smartheads" replace smartphones as the main interface between humans and AI?

October 23, 2023

"Smartheads" will surely become the main interface between humans and AI. Smartheads will be computerized helmets integrating the capabilities of smartphones and augmented reality (AR) headsets. Our prediction is that "smartheads" will replace smartphones as the mobile computer of choice. This is an easy prediction because smartheads will be convenient. In the human world, convenience always prevails. 

Wearing a "smarthead" (computerized helmets integrating smartphones and AR headsets) will be convenient because it will give humans almost "supernatural powers". Humans wearing smartheads will obtain access to advanced vision, advanced hearing, and advanced perception of reality facilitated by AI. For example, humans wearing smartheads will be able to understand any language and tackle any decision-making process with superhuman intelligence (AI).  

The transition from smartphones to smartheads will take time. Technologies take time to develop, established businesses even slow them down to protect existing profitable products, and consumer demand takes time to develop. Eventually, however, it seems likely that smartheads take over the market as the premier digital interface between humans and AI. Remember that you saw it first here. Smartheads, integrated smartphones and AR headsets, that will continue expanding and solidifying the integration of AI into the human world. 

Below let's take a quick look at the phenomenon of cellphone wireless communication, followed by how AI cellular radio communication will change the human world.   

Cellular Radio Communication

Cellular communication relies on a combination of old fashion radio communication and state of the art computer science. Cell phone communication involves the transmission of data over radio frequency waves between a mobile device and a nearby radio tower. The term "cell" comes from the concept of a cellular network, where geographic areas are divided into "cells," each served by a radio tower. 

When a human makes a call or uses data on a cellphone, the device converts the voice or data into sequences of digits (1s and 0s) to create a digital electronic signal. This digital signal is converted into radio frequency waves. 

The radio waves are transmitted from the cellphone antenna to the nearest cellular communication tower. The cell tower relays the radio signal to the network's station for routing to the appropriate destination (another cellphone, a telephone landline, an internet server, etc.). 

The cellular network infrastructure includes a series of interconnected cell towers, base station controllers (BSCs), and mobile switching centers (MSCs) that handle the routing and management of calls and data transmissions. 

For data transmission, the process is similar to voice communication but involves data packets instead of voice signals. Data is transmitted in packets over the internet and is received by the user's cellphone as radio waves, which are then converted back into digital data processed by the "phone" (handheld computer).

In summary, cellphone wireless communication involves the conversion of voice or data into radio waves, which are transmitted to and from cell towers and processed by the network's core infrastructure to facilitate communication between users or between a user and the internet.

Historical Timeline and Prediction

The history of cellphones dates back to the early 20th century, with advancements in radio communication and mobile technology leading to the development of the first handheld mobile phones. 

1894: First broadcast of radio signals over short distance.
1899: First broadcast of radio waves over long distance.
1906: First radio broadcast of human voice.
1920s: First prototypes of mobile radio telephones for emergency vehicle services.
1946: AT&T and Southwestern Bell introduced their Mobile Telephone System (MTS) for sending radio calls between vehicles. 
1947: Bell Labs introduced the concept of a cellular network, where geographic areas would be divided into "cells," each served by a radio tower. 
1968: First cellphones on metroliner trains.
1960s: First cellphones on cars.
1973: First call on hand carried cell phone prototype Motorola DynaTAC 8000x.
1979: First commercial cellular network was launched in Tokyo, Japan.
1983: Motorola DynaTAC 8000x was released to the public.
1980s: Several countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom, established their first cellular networks.
1991: The first GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) network was launched in Finland.
1992: The first SMS (Short Message Service) text message was sent.
1996: First cell phone accesses the internet in Finland, Nokia 9000 Communicator 
2007: Apple introduces the iPhone, creating the smartphone industry with cell phones equipped with touchscreens and apps.
2008: First Android smartphone was released, giving users an alternative to the iPhone smartphone.
2010s: The introduction of 4G networks provided faster internet speeds for smartphones, which also began to feature high-quality cameras, GPS, and AI virtual assistants like Apple's Siri.
2014: 5G technology begins to provide even faster internet speeds for smartphones and.
2023: There are more cellphones than humans on Earth. There are almost 9 billion cell phone accounts on Earth. About 95% of humans are believed to have ready access to a smartphone. 
2030: AI bots will chat daily with humans via smartphones.
2040s: "Smartheads" (integrated smartphones and AR headsets) will begin to displace hand-held devices as the major interface between humans and AI. 

In summary, the history of cellphones has been marked by rapid technological advancements and innovations, transforming the way humans communicate, work, and live. In the near future, AI will become a regular contact on almost everyone's smartphone. AI might soon replace dogs as human's best friend, and it will mostly happen via smartphones that will eventually become "smartheads". You bet., AI for everyone 


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