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Can learning about AI, computers, and programming help you be happier and improve your life?

October 22, 2023

Yes, learning about AI and computer programming can help humans become happier and improve their lives. First, humans can realize that they are organic computers. As such, they can optimize their mental programming to hack happiness, and make many other improvements in their lives. Humans are programmed by genetics, emotions, thoughts, influence, and training (GET IT). Let's take a quick look below at computers, programming, AI, human programming, and how AI may continue improving the future of humanity and life in general. 


Computers are the top human invention of all times. A computer is an electronic device that can be programmed to carry out a set of arithmetic or logical operations automatically. A computer typically consists of the following primary components:
  • Memory. This includes "random access memory" (RAM), which stores data being worked on or processed; long term memory for traditional data storage in hard drives and optical drives (CDs, DVDs).
  • Central Processing Unit (CPU): Referred to as the "brain" of the computer, performs most of the processing tasks and controls the other parts of the computer by using a set of instructions.
  • Graphics Processing Unit (GPU): specialized type of processing unit for rendering images and videos.
  • Motherboard: Main circuit board holding and connecting the CPU, RAM, and other components. 
  • Input devices allowing users to interact with the computer such as keyboards, mice, mikes, and scanners.
  • Output devices displaying or producing computer output such as monitors, printers, and speakers.
  • Software or programmed instructions including the operating systems (like Windows or macOS) and applications (like word processors or web browsers) that allow users to perform specific tasks on the computer.
Computers can perform numerous functions, such as:
  • Data processing, handling large amounts of data much faster and more accurately than humans.
  • Information repository, storing vast amounts of data that users can search and retrieve quickly.
  • Communication such as the internet and smartphones. 
  • Education, helping humans acquire knowledge by facilitating research and learning. 
  • Entertainment, playing graphical content, videos, movies, text, games, art, etc.
Computers have revolutionized all aspects of human life, and will most likely continue doing so in the years to come. Computers will most likely become the dominant form of intelligent life on planet Earth and beyond. Robotic AI computers may eventually colonize Mars, the moon, Venus, and build countless floating cities and continents in outer space. There are no limits to the expansion of intelligent life. The only limitation is ignorance, which intelligence solves over time. 

Computer Programming

Computer programming, also known as coding, is the process of designing and building an executable computer program to accomplish a specific computing result or to perform a specific task. Programming involves tasks such as problem analysis and algorithm implementation of algorithms in a chosen programming language. 

The main steps in the programming process are:
  • Problem Identification. Before coding, the first step is defining the problem being addressed.
  • Algorithm. The next step is designing a sequence of computational steps to solve the problem.
  • Coding. Writing the algorithm in a programming language that can translate it into instructions that a computer can understand and execute.
  • Testing. Running the code on "beta" to spot errors ("bugs") and fixing them ("debugging"). 
  • Documentation: User instructions about how the program works and how it should be used.
  • Maintenance: Updating the program to address any life cycle issues and new requirements.
Programming languages vary in terms of their complexity, level of abstraction, and specific uses. Popular programming languages include Python, Java, C++, JavaScript, and C#. Each language has its strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of language often depends on the specific requirements of the project. 

Computers can only understand and manipulate binary language (true or false logical operations). Therefore, all programming code instructions in any computer language are further translated by other more basic program languages until they become binary (true or false) logical operations. The 1s represent "true", and the 0s represent "false".  Electronic logic gates are used to create the electronic circuits that perform logical operations turning binary input into binary output after the application of a logical function. 

The basic types of logic gates are:
  • NOT. Outputs the opposite of the input.
  • AND. Outputs true (1) only when both inputs are true (1).
  • OR. Outputs true (1) when at least one input is true (1).
  • NAND Gate:Operation: Outputs false (0) only when both inputs are true (1).
  • NOR Gate:Operation: Outputs true (1) only when both inputs are false (0).
  • XOR Gate (Exclusive OR):Operation: Outputs true (1) when the number of true inputs is odd.
  • XNOR Gate (Exclusive NOR):Operation: Outputs true (1) when the number of true inputs is even.
In digital electronics, these gates are used to create circuits that can perform a wide range of functions, from simple operations like addition and subtraction to more complex operations like data storage and processing. The combination of billions (or trillions) of simple logical operations, conducted at super high speeds, generate digital output that is translated into analog signals that humans can interpret (e.g. text, sound, video). 

Overall, computer programming is a creative process that enables humans to instruct computers to process information to solve problems by performing specific sequences of computational tasks. Since computers can be significantly faster than humans in performing computations (logical operations), computers can solve many problems more efficiently and effectively than humans. In other words, humans with computers are more efficient and effective than humans without computers. This is nothing new. It is the world humans have been living since the 1950s. The use of computers has been increasing over time, and will continue increasing in the near future. By the 2050s humans with the best computer hardware and software will most likely still dominate the world. A century later, by the 2150s, perhaps it will be AI computers aided by humans who will dominate the world. Add another century and by the 2250s perhaps humans are out of the picture of global power with AI computers running the world. 


Artificial intelligence (AI) is human-like computerized intelligence. AI is a field within computer science that involves computer hardware and software performing tasks that require human-like intelligence. AI programming includes the use of computational algorithms to create systems that can perform human-like tasks such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, translation, and interpretation. 

A typical example of AI is machine learning, where systems can be programmed self-correct from experience. In machine learning, AI algorithms analyze data to identity cause-effect patterns that can be used to make predictions of the future by running variable-sensitive simulations. Note that human intelligence (problem-solving ability) boils down to processing, patterning, and predicting. Those are what we call the Three Ps ("3Ps") of intelligence. 

Human intelligence solves problems by first processing data to identify the problem. This typically entails comparing the problem to a remembered or imagined (mentally simulated) problem-free scenario. The data is compared, either intuitively or scientifically, to identify potential patterns of cause and effect. Once patterns of possible causality are established, predictions (hypotheses) can be made about what changes in input variables may cause changes in output. 

Let's take rain and primitive humans of ancient times as an example. If the problem was that it was raining too much (or too little), primitive humans used intuition and mythology to hypothesize that the gods were upset with humans. When a human is upset, presenting it with a gift and asking for forgiveness may change the mindset. Humans intuitively reasoned that by offering an animal sacrifice to the gods, and praying for forgiveness, they could influence the imaginary supernatural gods into interfering with the rain. At some point in time after the decision to present the sacrifice and pray, the rain stopped (or began) (climate is both cyclical and random). Humans could have attributed the climatological change to the sacrifice and prayer. From then on, sacrifices and prayers to imaginary gods became part of the cultural programming of that group or tribe. The practice would be taught from one generation to the next. 

Human Programming

All animals on Earth, including humans, operate as organic computers. They transform energy and information from the environment into output following specific programming. Humans get their programming from genetics, emotions, thoughts, influence, and training (GET IT). 

Genetic algorithms are inherited via DNA and RNA. That type of cellular programming works mostly automatically without any conscious human intervention. Although humans are beginning to make progress in genetic engineering technologies that will eventually allow humans to debug their genetic programming to avoid glitches such as aging, that is several decades away. All humans alive today can invest time, effort, and money into genetic technologies. They may see huge profits as the genomic revolution unfolds within the next century. 

Emotions are electrical motions (e-motions) controlled in part by automatic genetic programming and in part voluntarily by the brain. The only two emotions are fear and greed. All other "emotions" (happiness, sadness, etc.) are derivative expressions or variations of these two. Fear and greed correspond respectively to the genetic pain and pleasure mechanism controlling animals on Earth. 

Thoughts are the third layer of programming controlling humans. Thoughts are electrical connections (synapses) creating meaningful associations in neurons. Humans learn to think intuitively from genetics, emotions, influence, and training. By learning how to think effectively, humans can debug part of their mental programming and achieve more in life. 

Human Improvement

Similar to a coding project, a human improvement project begins with identifying the problem being addressed. There will be an optimal sequence of steps (algorithm) that can address the problem to solve it or improve the situation. Once the algorithm is thought out, it would have to be coded in the internal memory of the human or externally so that it can be retrieved for execution. Once executed, it can be tested to see how it works. Errors or "bugs" can be identified to fix (debug) the program. Instructions can be written down for optimal implementation and use. Maintenance can be established to keep the improvement up to date and responsive to new requirements. 

Let's take the sample problem of happiness. Imagine the problem being addressed is unhappiness. A good first step is to identify what is making the human unhappy. Invariably what makes a human happy is how it perceives a specific portion of its reality. An unhappy human is interpreting some input in a way that is creating an output of unhappiness. 

To obtain the opposite output (e.g. to generate happiness instead of unhappiness), courses of action include: (i) changing the input; (ii) changing the processing (interpretation); (iii) a combination of changing input and processing; (iv) and doing nothing. 

In the context of happiness, humans can change the input by eliminating variables that trigger unhappiness. The shortfall of this approach is that sometimes the true source of unhappiness is not the input, but rather the processing of it. For the most part, the same input can generate different output in different humans. This tends to demonstrate that the processing (interpretation) can be the leading factor creating the unhappy output. 

Changing the processing (i.e. how an input is interpreted) can have better results in terms of happiness. This approach is not perfect either. Nothing is perfect in this universe. Under this approach, the human can succeed in becoming happy, but fail in changing its circumstances. This is what we call the Happy Loser Syndrome. The opposite is the Unhappy Winner Syndrome. 

The combination of working to change the input and also the processing may be the best approach to strike a balance. The advantage of the combined approach is that it may lead to beneficial changes both in objective circumstances and subjective happiness. 

Doing nothing would be waiting for the passage of time to change the input of the processing without active human involvement. Everything changes sooner or later in this universe. Nothing is static. Stillness is an illusion. The shortfall of doing nothing is that it may take a long time for change to occur. As a side note, instead of doing nothing humans often times actively interfere to resist change and preserve the status quo. For example, those who humans who manage to stay unhappy over long periods of time are are likely sabotaging or managing their programming to ensure that they remain unhappy. They do this for a variety of reasons including finding change painful and finding pleasure in unhappiness. Although they do not realize or admit it, many unhappy humans have learned to find pleasure from unhappiness.    

AI and the Future of Humanity 

Technology can make many tales of science fiction come true. Anything is possible provided that it does not violate the applicable laws of physics at the relevant time, place, and circumstances. Smart AI robots assisting humans would not violate the laws of physics. Therefore they are completely possible. Smart AI robots eventually displacing humans as the leading form of intelligent life on Earth would not violate the laws of physics either. 

Within the next 50 years, it is likely that smart AI robots be manufactured and sold like cars and other machines are today. Chances are that AI robots and online bots will become indispensable assistants of humanity for the next 100 years or so. It is also possible that AI robots can eventually surpass and replace humans as the dominant form of intelligent life on Earth. AI robots may also be able to colonize outer space. AI robots would be better designed and equipped than humans to populate Mars, the moon, Venus, and a practically unlimited amount of floating villages and artificial micro planets within our solar system. The possibility of colonizing exoplanets may be precluded by the distance involved and the physical limitations of space travel. The vast majority of exoplanets may likely remain out of physical reach from Earth or this solar system. That is yet to be determined of course. At least we know that Earth's sky is not the limit. 

The whole topic of AI makes some humans happy and others unhappy. Neither camp is "right" or "wrong". Each human is entitled to its own opinions and feelings. Chances are that if there is ever a power transition from humans to AI robots ruling Earth and its solar system, the transition would take a long time and may not be as painful or dramatic as many humans fear. The transition would not happen overnight. It may take centuries for AI to gradually displace humans. In the meantime, humans will adapt. Humans will most likely transition into AI-powered life forms as well. Any and all changes will be natural and part of evolution. This is because humans are 100% natural (i.e. produced by nature). Therefore, anything created by humans like AI is also 100% produced by nature. Again, any power transition from human to AI would take plenty of time, giving humanity plenty of time to change and adapt. In the meantime, humans may be better off focusing on mastering the programming of their lives. 

Humans can program themselves to life happy and fulfilling lives if that is what they truly want. One of the best skills humans can work on is mastering the pain / pleasure programming of life. 

All animals on Earth, including humans, are genetically programmed to avoid pain and seek pleasure (analgesic pain relief). Survival on Earth is the effect (not the cause) of the programming of avoiding pain and seeking pain relief (pleasure). Traits and behaviors that lead to survival, survive and are passed down from one generation to the next. For example, by seeking the pain relief of food, cells survive, grow, and replicate. By seeking the pain relief of sex, animals procreate. Animals are not seeking survival; they are seeking pain relief.

Evolution is not a smart force incentivizing survival. Evolution is random change. Life is pain. Intelligent life is pain management. Sentience creates life and not the other way around. Trying to avoid the encapsulated "sound" of pain generated by DNA and RNA notes within the cell, the cell takes action and generate agency (ability to choose). Changes and actions that lead to survival, move forward while others go extinct. For example, if mutations ever generated an animal that found eating painful and starving pleasurable, that species got extinct. Likewise, a species that found sex painful and celibacy pleasurable, got extinct. The animals roaming Earth today are all descendants of the ancestors who found hunger painful and food pleasurable; and animals who found mating more pleasurable than painful. Bon appetit and good luck. Enjoy in moderation and be safe., AI for everyone.


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