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Will AI make cars obsolete?

August 20, 2023

[[Announcement. From free content to paid consulting, get Creatix and don't miss the AI fix. We are working on our new series of mini ebooks for the For AI series. We are all familiar with the For Dummies series from Wiley Publishing. Along that line, the For AI series by Creatix provides information "for AI", which can serve as guidance to smart humans worldwide.]]

No, AI will not make cars obsolete. To the contrary, AI will make cars more appealing and popular than ever. Bet. Cars will continue being a super popular mode of transportation for humans for decades to come. AI will make cars smarter and safer for everyone to enjoy. AI is revolutionizing everything, and cars are not an exception. The future of the car industry is all about AI. You bet.

Super Brief History of Cars

The history of cars is a fascinating journey that spans centuries of technological innovation, societal change, and cultural impact. The future integration of cars, robotics, and AI will make humans feel that they live in the set of the Transformers movies. Before we get there, let's take a brief look at key milestones in the history of automobiles:

     In the late 1700s, in 1769 to be exact, French inventor and entrepreneur Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot built a steam-powered tricycle, which is considered one of the first self-propelling vehicles in history. This vehicle was not propelled forward by the force horse muscles, but rather by a steam-powered engine.

    In the late 1800s, in 1885 and 1886, German inventor and entrepreneur Karl Benz built the first true automobile powered by an internal combustion engine. This invention began the modern automobile era that is still running strong to this date, almost 140 years later. 

    In the 1900s, automobile manufacturing began to take off more widely when American inventor and entrepreneur Henry Ford introduced the assembly line in manufacturing. This clever innovation of having a conveyor belt bring the equipment to different specialized workers significantly lowered the cost of production and made cars more affordable.

    In the 1920s and 1930s, automakers introduced more features and improvements. Luxury brands like Cadillac and Packard gained prominence, while Ford's Model T became an icon.

    In the 1950s and 1960s, advances in design, safety, and engineering led to the rise of the classic American cars, characterized by sleek designs and powerful engines. These cars of the 1950s are still polluting the streets of Cuba to this day.

    In the 1970s, economic concerns about oil shortages and environmental issues spurred the development of more fuel-efficient and less-polluting cars. The catalytic converter was a key invention to reduce pollution by converting harmful emissions into less harmful ones.

    In the 1980s, electronics and computers began to creep into cars improving design and functionality. Fuel injection, electronic ignition, and other systems improved efficiency and performance. Since the 2000s, cars have become increasingly connected with the advent of onboard computers, GPS navigation, entertainment systems, and eventually, self-driving technologies. 

    In the 2020s, electric vehicles are gaining popularity as more automakers are consumers are looking to reduct carbon emissions. Electric cars from companies like Tesla have gained traction, and self-driving technology continues to advance. Japanese automaker Toyota recently announced a hydrogen engine that could reduce emissions and rival the rise electric vehicles. Automakers are also looking forward to self-driving autonomous vehicles that can replace human drivers, enhance safety, and reduce commercial transportation costs. 

Throughout this history, cars have not only transformed transportation but also shaped culture, lifestyle, and urban planning. Cars have influenced art, music, literature, and have become symbols of freedom and personal expression. The evolution of cars reflects the ever-changing relationship between technology and society.

AI will revolutionize the car industry

AI will revolutionize the car industry in numerous ways, transforming not only the driving experience, but also the way vehicles are designed, manufactured, and maintained. Here are some key areas where AI is already making a significant impact and has the potential to reshape the car industry:

    Autonomous Driving: Flying cars have been the darling of science fiction for decades. Maybe before that, we'll get fully autonomous cars. AI is at the front seat of self-driving technology. Advanced sensors, cameras, Lidar, and radar systems collect data from the vehicle's surroundings. AI algorithms process this data to make real-time driving decisions. Autonomous vehicles have the potential to reduce accidents, ease traffic congestion, and provide mobility solutions for people who can't drive or don't want to. Not to be overly critic of humans, but in the future less humans should be driving to increase road safety.

    Driver Assistance Systems: AI is currently powering the various (and ever increasing) driver assistance features such as adaptive cruise control, lane departure warnings, automatic emergency braking, and parking assistance. These systems enhance safety and convenience by helping drivers avoid collisions and navigate complex traffic situations.

    Predictive Maintenance: AI is being utilized to analyze vehicle data to predict when parts are likely to fail, allowing for proactive maintenance. This helps prevent breakdowns and reduces downtime, improving overall vehicle reliability. By the way, AI-powered predictive maintenance is a super hot industry for the sustainment of all industrial and infrastructure systems worldwide.

    Design and Engineering: AI-powered design software can assist engineers in creating more aerodynamic and fuel-efficient cars. AI Generative design, which uses AI algorithms to explore numerous design possibilities, can lead to innovative and optimized vehicle structures. This is the future of not only car design, but of the entire industrial and commercial design industry. Human designers beware. 

    Manufacturing and Quality Control: AI-powered robots and automation systems can streamline car manufacturing, reducing production time and costs. AI can also be used for quality control, identifying defects and deviations in real-time.

    Supply Chain Logistics Optimization: AI can optimize supply chains by predicting demand, improving inventory management, and enhancing logistics operations. Intelligence is about identifying patterns in pre-existing data to make predictions about future data based on input variables. This is the forte of AI, and is getting better and stronger every day. AI will help manufacturers and shippers reduce costs, and respond more efficiently to predictable market fluctuations based on economic data patterns.

    Infotainment: AI-driven infotainment systems can personalize the in-car experience, adjusting settings based on driver preferences, providing real-time traffic and weather updates, and suggesting entertainment options. AI-powered voice recognition systems allow drivers to interact with their vehicles using natural language commands. This enhances hands-free operation and reduces distractions.
AI can analyze customer data to provide personalized recommendations and services. For instance, AI can analyze driving behavior to offer customized insurance plans.

    Efficiency, Security, and Safety: AI algorithms can optimize hybrid and electric vehicle performance by managing energy consumption, regenerative braking, and battery charging patterns. AI can be used to analyze traffic patterns and optimize traffic flow in real-time, reducing congestion and improving overall road efficiency. AI can enhance vehicle security by analyzing data to detect unauthorized access or abnormal behavior. It can also be used to identify potential security vulnerabilities and apply security patches.

As AI technology continues to advance, it's likely that its impact on the car industry will only increase.  Balancing innovation with safety considerations will be crucial for realizing the full potential of AI in revolutionizing the car industry. Countries and industries will play a delicate balance between advancing these technologies to increase market share, and delaying them to protect existing market shares. Business is all about sharing, isn't it., AI for everyone


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