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What professions will be replaced by AI?

June 28, 2023

Most certainly, all professions (all) will be impacted by artificial intelligence (AI) in the next three decades. That does not mean that all professions will be replace by AI. It means that all professions will be impacted one way or another by AI. 

In general, licensed professions (i.e. trades that require professional certification and licensure) will the most protected from full replacement by AI. Think about medical doctors, for example. What are the chances that in the next 30 years, the U.S. Congress will allow machines to independently administer medical services to patients in the USA? Chances are very slim. However, outside of the USA, and online, reality may be different. 

The same rationale above to most other licensed professions in the USA (e.g. engineers, lawyers, CPAs, dentists, optometrists, chiropractors, etc). These professions will most likely find ways to ensure legal protections against full replacement by AI. Non-licensed trades and professions, however, may follow a different path altogether. Companies will most likely replace non-licensed workers with AI robots as soon as technological and economically feasible. 

That does not mean that human workers are doomed. Slaves were not doomed after emancipation. Agricultural workers and farmers were not doomed after the industrial revolution. Instead, history has shown that technology allows for liberation of humans. Once humans are replaced from certain fields, either by legal or technological changes, humans are free to pursue other occupations and endeavors of the mind. If history repeats itself, despite many changes, AI technology will most likely prove to be a positive net gain for humanity.

Yet again, with the advancement of AI and automation technologies, all professions will be impacted and certain professions will be more impacted than others. Many industries and professions will be completely or at least partially transformed. Below are some sectors that are more susceptible to AI-driven automation:

Routine Manual Labor: Jobs involving repetitive and predictable physical tasks, such as assembly line work, basic data entry, packaging, or some types of manufacturing, are more likely to be automated.

Data Entry and Processing: Positions that primarily involve data entry, data processing, or basic record keeping may be automated by AI systems capable of extracting and processing information from various sources.

Customer Service and Support: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are increasingly being used to handle basic customer inquiries and support requests. While human interaction is still valued for complex issues, routine queries may be automated.

Transportation and Delivery: Self-driving vehicles and drones have the potential to disrupt transportation and delivery industries, impacting professions such as truck driving, delivery services, and taxi/ride-hailing services.

Data Analysis and Insights: AI systems equipped with machine learning algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data, potentially reducing the need for manual data analysis and insights generation in certain fields like finance, market research, and data science.

Retail and Hospitality: With the rise of automated checkout systems, self-service kiosks, and robotic assistance, certain retail and hospitality roles like cashiers, ticketing agents, or hotel concierge might be affected.

It's important to repeat and emphasize that while AI automation may eliminate or alter some job tasks, it can also create new opportunities and transform industries. Additionally, professions that involve complex human interactions, creativity, critical thinking, emotional intelligence, and adaptability will be generally less susceptible to full automation. Keep in mind that professions involving sensitive human interactions may also be subject to licensing requirements and additional legal protections. 

Stay tuned to everything AI. The technology is here, and will stay with us forever., AI for everyone


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