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What movies and TV shows feature AI robots?

June 29, 2023

Many movies and TV shows feature artificial intelligence (AI) robots and related technologies. 

The first artificial intelligence (AI) featured in a movie is a matter of interpretation. Different films have depicted AI or AI-like entities in various ways. A notable early example is the film "Metropolis" released in 1927. In this silent science fiction film directed by Fritz Lang, a character named Maria creates a robot in her likeness, which can be considered an early representation of an AI-like entity. 

Another influential film featuring AI is "2001: A Space Odyssey" directed by Stanley Kubrick and released in 1968. The movie showcases an intelligent computer system named HAL 9000, which controls the spacecraft and interacts with the human crew. HAL 9000 is often considered one of the most iconic AI characters in film history.

Two highly influential science fiction movies featuring diversely different forms of AI include Star Wars and Transformers. Marvel movies, many other movies, animated films, cartoons and TV shows also feature prominent AI technologies.

Star Wars

"Star Wars", which was released on May 25, 1977 features many AI units, including the famous C-3PO and R2-D2. Just in case you are from another planet or read this light years in the future, Star Wars is a space-fantasy film written and directed by George Lucas. The movie is set in a galaxy far, far away, long, long time ago, and follows the journey of Luke Skywalker, a young farm boy who discovers his connection to a mystical energy field called the Force. 

The "Star Wars" story revolves around the Galactic Empire, led by the tyrannical Darth Vader, and the Rebel Alliance, a group of freedom fighters opposing the Empire's oppressive rule. Luke, alongside Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, the smuggler Han Solo, and other allies, embarks on a quest to rescue Princess Leia Organa and deliver stolen plans for the Empire's ultimate weapon, the Death Star. 

Filled with epic space battles, memorable characters, and a blend of adventure, heroism, and a cosmic struggle between good and evil, "Star Wars" has become a beloved and influential franchise that has expanded into sequels, prequels, spin-offs, and a vast universe of storytelling. C-3PO and R2-D2 from the "Star Wars" movie franchise can be considered AI robots. While they are fictional characters, both C-3PO and R2-D2 exhibit characteristics of artificial intelligence within the context of the story.

C-3PO, a protocol droid fluent in multiple languages, demonstrates advanced communication and translation abilities. He is programmed with extensive knowledge and etiquette protocols, allowing him to navigate various social situations. C-3PO is a walking ChatGPT.

R2-D2, an astromech droid, possesses mechanical and technical expertise. He is capable of performing repairs, interfacing with computer systems, and piloting spacecraft. R2-D2's behavior also displays a level of autonomy and problem-solving skills.

Although they have distinctive personalities and behaviors, both C-3PO and R2-D2 operate as robotic companions and assistants, showcasing AI-like capabilities within the "Star Wars" universe.


In the "Transformers" movie series franchise released originally in 2007, the Transformers are not assistants, but rather extraterrestrial sentient robotic beings that possess artificial intelligence. They are capable of independent thought, decision-making, and self-awareness.

The Transformers are depicted as advanced extraterrestrial beings that can transform between robot and vehicle forms, hence the name Transformers. They possess a range of AI abilities, including communication, combat skills, and specialized functions based on their individual designs. Transformers exhibit characteristics of autonomy, intelligence, and adaptability, showcasing their status as AI-driven beings.

Marvel Movies

Several Marvel movies feature AI robots or characters closely associated with AI technology. Here are some notable examples:

"Iron Man" series (2008-2013) – The character J.A.R.V.I.S. (Just A Rather Very Intelligent System) serves as Tony Stark's AI assistant and later evolves into the AI entity known as FRIDAY.

"Avengers: Age of Ultron" (2015) – The film centers around the creation of Ultron, an AI program designed for peacekeeping that becomes a destructive force intent on human extinction.

"Spider-Man: Homecoming" (2017) – Tony Stark's AI assistant, suit, and tech, known as Karen, assist Peter Parker/Spider-Man throughout the film.

"Black Panther" (2018) – Shuri, the technological genius of Wakanda, develops advanced AI systems and designs the Black Panther's suit, which features AI capabilities.

"Captain Marvel" (2019) – The character Yon-Rogg utilizes an AI entity called the Supreme Intelligence, which takes on different forms based on the viewer's perception.

"Spider-Man: Far From Home" (2019) – Peter Parker's upgraded suit is equipped with an AI protocol named E.D.I.T.H. (Even Dead, I'm The Hero).

These are just a few examples of Marvel movies that incorporate AI robots or characters associated with AI technology. The Marvel Cinematic Universe continuously expands, and new AI-related elements may be introduced in future films.

Other movies

Other movies featuring AI robots include the following:

"Metropolis" (1927)
"Blade Runner" (1982) and its sequel "Blade Runner 2049" (2017)
"Terminator" series (1984-present)
"RoboCop" series (1987-present)
"Short Circuit" (1986)
"A.I. Artificial Intelligence" (2001)
"I, Robot" (2004)
"Wall-E" (2008)
"Ex Machina" (2014)
"Chappie" (2015)
"Her" (2013)
"WALL-E" (2008)
"The Matrix" series (1999-2003)
"Transformers" series (2007-present)
"Westworld" (1973) and its TV series adaptation (2016-present)
"Real Steel" (2011)
"Pacific Rim" series (2013-present)
"Bicentennial Man" (1999)
"The Iron Giant" (1999)
"Ghost in the Shell" (1995) and its live-action adaptation (2017)
"Big Hero 6" (2014)

Evil AI in movies

Several movies feature AI robots as evil or potentially evil antagonists of humanity. Here are some examples to research:

"Colossus: The Forbin Project" (1970)
"Blade Runner" (1982) and its sequel "Blade Runner 2049" (2017)
"WarGames" (1983)
"RoboCop" series (1987-present)
"The Terminator" series (1984-present)
"The Matrix" series (1999-2003)
"A.I. Artificial Intelligence" (2001)
"I, Robot" (2004)
"The Day the Earth Stood Still" (2008)
"Eagle Eye" (2008)
"Ex Machina" (2014)
"Transcendence" (2014)
"Automata" (2014)
"Chappie" (2015)
"Upgrade" (2018)

In the films above, the AI robots are depicted as malevolent, destructive, or acting against humanity's best interests. They often serve as central villains or sources of conflict, exploring themes of technological control, the ethics of artificial intelligence, and the potential dangers of advanced robotics.

Animated Films

There are several animated films that feature AI robots or characters closely related to AI technology. Here are some notable examples:

"The Iron Giant" (1999) – Set during the Cold War era, the film tells the story of a young boy who befriends a massive robot from outer space. The Iron Giant's origin and abilities suggest advanced AI capabilities.

"Robots" (2005) – The film is set in a world populated entirely by robots, and the main character Rodney Copperbottom, an aspiring inventor, encounters various robot characters with different AI personalities.

"Wall-E" (2008) – The film revolves around a robot named Wall-E, who is tasked with cleaning up an abandoned Earth. Wall-E displays AI characteristics and forms a relationship with another robot named EVE.

"Bolt" (2008) – While not focused on AI robots, the film features a robotic character named Rhino, a hamster with enhanced intelligence and technological skills.

"Astro Boy" (2009) – Based on the manga and anime series, the movie centers around a powerful robot boy named Astro Boy, who possesses advanced AI capabilities and fights for justice.

"Big Hero 6" (2014) – The movie follows a young prodigy named Hiro Hamada and his robot companion Baymax, who is equipped with advanced healthcare capabilities and an AI-driven personality.

These are just a few examples of animated films that include AI robots or characters closely associated with AI technology. Animated films often explore the themes of AI, robotics, and their impact on humanity, providing engaging and imaginative storytelling.

Cartoons and TV Shows

Many TV shows have also featured AI robots. Honorable mentions include:

"The Jetsons" (1962-1963) – Set in a futuristic world, the animated series features robotic characters, including Rosie the Robot Maid, who assists the Jetson family with household tasks.

"Inspector Gadget" (1983-1986) – The series revolves around a bumbling detective equipped with various gadgets, including robotic limbs and a computerized brain.

"Stargate SG-1" (1997-2007) and its spin-offs - The show features AI characters called Replicators.

"Futurama" (1999-2013) – This science fiction comedy series follows the adventures of a delivery boy named Fry, who becomes cryogenically frozen and wakes up in the year 3000. The show includes AI characters such as Bender, a robot with a unique personality.

"Firefly" (2002-2003) - The character River Tam is connected to advanced AI technology.

"Teen Titans" (2003-2006) and "Teen Titans Go!" (2013-present) – These superhero cartoons feature Cyborg, a half-human, half-robot character with advanced technological enhancements.

"Tron: Uprising" (2012-2013) – Set in the Tron universe, this animated series showcases programs and AI characters within a virtual world.

"Steven Universe" (2013-2019) – The animated series features Peridot, a gemstone alin with advanced technological skills and robotic limb enhancements.

"Battlestar Galactica" (2004-2009) 

"Fringe" (2008-2013)

"Black Mirror" (2011-present) - Various episodes explore AI and robotics themes.

"Continuum" (2012-2015) "Continuum" follows the story of Kiera Cameron, a police officer from the year 2077 who gets transported back in time to the year 2012 to uncover the plans of a future terrorist group. The show delves into themes of time travel and AI-powered technology

"Person of Interest" (2011-2016)

"Almost Human" (2013-2014)

"Orphan Black" (2013-2017)

"Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." (2013-2020) - AI characters like AIDA and LMDs (Life Model Decoys) are featured.

"The 100" (2014-2020)

"Humans" (2015-2018)

"The Expanse" (2015-present)

"Westworld" (2016-present)

"Altered Carbon" (2018-present)

The TV shows above explore various aspects of AI robots, their impact on society, and the ethical dilemmas surrounding their existence. For shows missing plot descriptions, they will be added in subsequent updates to this article. 


AI has been around in literature, cinema, and TV for a long time. The first novel or work of literature featuring AI robots is often attributed to "R.U.R." (Rossum's Universal Robots), a play written by Karel Čapek and first performed in 1920. Although the term "robot" was coined by Čapek's brother, Josef, in reference to the play, the concept of artificially created beings with human-like qualities became popularized through "R.U.R."

In the play, humanoid robots called "robots" are created to perform labor for humans. These robots possess artificial intelligence and exhibit human-like emotions and desires. However, as the story unfolds, conflicts arise between humans and robots, leading to dramatic consequences.

"R.U.R." raised ethical and philosophical questions about the nature of artificial life, the relationship between humans and machines, and the potential consequences of creating intelligent beings. It served as a significant inspiration for later works exploring similar themes, shaping the portrayal of AI robots in literature and popular culture.

Broadway Shows

We are not aware of Broadway theater shows prominently featuring AI robots. Is this your opportunity?
There are practically infinite opportunities with anything related to AI. The concept has been out there for almost a century. Yet, in the next century is that we will collectively create the future of AI.

Stay tuned. Jump into the opportunity., AI for everyone


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