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What is Generative AI?

June 19, 2023

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) will help us do more and reach farther than ever before. Generative AI refers to a category of artificial intelligence techniques and models that are designed to generate new content, such as text, images, audio, or even video, that is original and creative. Unlike other types of AI that focus on recognizing patterns or making predictions based on existing data, generative AI aims to produce novel outputs that resemble human-generated content. Generative AI has applications in various fields, including creative arts, content generation, recommendation systems, chatbots, and more. It enables the production of realistic synthetic images, the generation of human-like speech, the creation of music, and the development of virtual characters. 

Generative AI makes us think about all previous human inventions and innovations, and how they have expanded the human "conquest" of planet Earth. Think about canoes and horses, just as two different examples of technologies and innovations that helped humans conquer the world. 

Canoes expanded the human world

Humans began using canoes thousands of years ago, dating back to prehistoric times. The exact timeline of when canoes were first used is challenging to determine precisely due to the perishable nature of early boat materials. However, evidence suggests that canoes have been in use for at least several thousand years. The earliest known canoes were likely made from hollowed-out logs. These primitive log canoes provided a means of transportation and enabled early humans to navigate rivers, lakes, and coastal areas. Archaeological findings indicate that ancient canoes were used by indigenous peoples in various parts of the world, including North America, Africa, Europe, and Oceania. For example, in North America, indigenous tribes such as the Native Americans crafted canoes from large tree trunks using stone tools or fire. Some of the oldest known examples of log canoes in North America date back over 9,000 years. In other regions, like the Pacific Islands, people constructed canoes using a technique called "outrigger canoe," where a smaller float (outrigger) is attached to the main hull for stability. The use of canoes expanded over time, and different cultures developed their unique designs and construction methods suited to their local environments and needs. Canoes played a vital role in fishing, transportation, trade, exploration, and warfare, allowing humans to access waterways and explore distant regions. Canoe technology has continued to evolve, with modern versions made from various materials, including wood, fiberglass, aluminum, and plastics.

Horses expanded the human world

Humans first domesticated horses around 4000 to 3500 BCE (approximately 6000 to 5500 years ago). The exact timing and location of the initial domestication of horses is still a subject of debate among researchers, but it is generally believed to have occurred in the Eurasian Steppe, a vast region that spans parts of modern-day Ukraine, Russia, and Kazakhstan. The domestication of horses was a significant milestone in human history. It revolutionized transportation, agriculture, and warfare, allowing humans to travel faster and carry heavier loads. Horses became indispensable companions and workers, aiding in farming, herding, and trade. Over time, humans selectively bred horses for various purposes, resulting in different breeds with distinct characteristics. Initially, horses were primarily used for work and transportation, but they later played crucial roles in military campaigns, exploration, sport, and leisure activities. The domestication of horses marked a pivotal moment in the development of human civilization and had a profound impact on societies worldwide.

Generative AI will expand the human world

Not unlike canoes, horses, and so many other inventions and adaptations created or developed by humans (cars, trains, airplanes...), Generative AI will propel humanity into accomplishing more. Horseback riding allowed humans to travel longer and faster than walking on foot. Canoes allowed humans to move over water faster and longer than swimming. Generative AI is helping us write more, create more, and learn more than ever before. Generative AI models like ChatGPT are excellent tutors and assistants already. Imagine the brave new world, powered by AI, that is coming into existence in the next three decades. 

Make your 2050 vision come true. Begin investing time and energy daily learning more about AI. The time is now. Don't waste it. Invest it in all things AI., AI for everyone. 


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