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What does ChatGPT think about Trump?

June 20, 2023

Was Donald J. Trump the best president, the worst, or just another president? Different people have different opinions to answer that politically-loaded question. What does ChatGPT "think" about it? 

Here's ChatGPT's answer to the question: What do you think about Donald Trump?

    "As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions, emotions, or political biases. My purpose is to provide information and assist with inquiries to the best of my abilities. I can provide factual information about Donald Trump, such as his background, political career, and significant events during his presidency. However, opinions about political figures are subjective and vary widely among individuals. It's important to note that political views and opinions are personal and can differ greatly depending on one's beliefs, values, and experiences."

Note that the answer above is a polished answer, programmed or "trained" into ChatGPT to avoid controversy. ChatGPT is trained to choose similar answers to a myriad of other questions and topics that have been weighted as highly controversial.

Note also that the answer above is also clever to use the opportunity to describe and advertise what is ChatGPT, and what is its purpose. See that ChatGPT does not avoid controversial topics altogether, but rather explains that it can provide factual information. ChatGPT also explains that opinions about political figures are subjective like all other opinions, and can vary widely from one homo sapiens to another. Isn't that beautifully smart?, AI for everyone. 


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