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Is ChatGPT plagiarism?

June 14, 2023

The "GPT" acronym in ChatGPT stands for "Generative Pre-trained Transformer". This "GPT" acronym could easily stand for "General Plagiarism Technology". 

ChatGPT generates its "original" content by statistically "cutting and pasting" from content created by others and loaded into ChatGPT's database.  To some extent, ChatGPT is plagiarizing content, regurgitating it as new content. Technically speaking this is not plagiarizing, but rather the creation of original derivative content. That is not too different from what we humans do when communicating with others. We essentially regurgitate what we have learned from others in our cultures and social circles. Therefore, we don't see anything wrong with ChatGPT's big data plagiarism. Long live the king of big data plagiarism, ChatGPT.  

ChatGPT generates content by transforming input into output. ChatGPT is a computer program, and that's what all computer programs do. All computer programs work by turning input into output. Computer programs follow the rules, algorithms, and functions built into them by programmers. ChatGPT is not an exception. ChatGPT is amazing, and has briefly captivated our collective attention, because ChatGPT generates content that looks and sounds as content created by humans. 

In many instances, ChatGPT's content is far superior than content created by humans. For example, ChatGPT could write this article many times better than our volunteer writers can. [By the way, if you want to write ChatGPT content for, just email us at] 

ChatGPT is standing on the shoulders of millions of humans who generated tons of content over millennia. That content has been loaded into ChatGPT's database. ChatGPT can "digest" all that content to "spit it out" originally like no other free computer program did prior to it. Before ChatGPT, humanity at large was not used to interacting with computer programs capable of processing so much data to create human-like output. 

ChatGPT can digest tons of data, and spit it out in a grammatically correct way that looks and sounds intelligent and very much human-like. ChatGPT is doing this because it is copying the style of millions of human writers and creators that came before it. ChatGPT is accessing pre-existing data, and regurgitating in different order, syntax, and lexicon based on a generatively selective algorithm. ChatGPT's algorithm takes into consideration statistical use, data weights, biases, and rewards inserted by programmers and trainers. The output is a remix of previous content in a uniquely "original" creation.

ChatGPT's programming and training sessions are responsible for the quality of ChatGPT's "intelligent" content creation. ChatGPT's appears to be "intelligent", but it is just "blindly" and mechanically applying statistics to cut and paste words into place from big data sets. Just like optical illusions trigger the human brain into seeing things that are not really there, ChatGPT triggers us into perceiving the content as human-like. Just how we cannot distinguish a drawing or a sound created by a machine from one created by a human, it is becoming increasingly hard to distinguish between the words and sentences that ChatGPT is statistically cutting and pasting into place from the ones that humans would compose. 

ChatGPT is amazing because it can plagiarize big data sets to come up with sentences and paragraphs that mimic the structure of what humans already created, or that would create under similar prompts. Just like we begin to talk and communicate based on what we learn from our social, cultural, and educational environments, ChatGPT is creating content based on the words and sentences in its database. 

ChatGPT is statistically copying the work of others.  ChatGPT is blindly creating a derivative work product that looks and sounds as if written by humans. Technically, this is not plagiarism, but rather the creation of original derivative work. As all other models of AI, ChatGPT is programmed to mimic or imitate human intelligence. 

ChatGPT is just the beginning of a new era. This is the time to jump into GPT and AI technologies. They will dominate economic growth in the next three decades. Hop in. Don't miss out. Don't stay behind. 


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