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Why is life so complex, and can it be simplified?

October 13, 2024 Why is life so complex, and can it be simplified? Life is complex because of the practically infinite (PI) number of variables and factors involved. Life has been evolving on Earth for about 4 billion years. Despite its underlying biological complexity, life can be lived in simplified and optimized in many ways. There is a practically infinite (PI) number of philosophies (thinking systems), scientific discoveries, and advanced technologies (tools and methods), already developed and to be developed in the future, that can be leveraged to simplify the process of being alive. In our opinion, a way to simplify--if not oversimplify--life is to master what we call the Law of Perceived Convenience (LPC). LPC stands for the proposition that when given the choice, living organisms choose whatever they perceive to be more convenient to them from a pain / pleasure computation standpoint. The LPC can simplify the understanding of "free will" and help in making prediction
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