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Showing posts from January, 2024

Will AI help humans beat aging and be forever young?

January 28, 2024 Creatix, be creative in the matrix  Yes, artificial intelligence (AI) will help humans beat aging. Aging is the cumulative impact of DNA damages and errors accumulated over time. AI will monitor DNA sequences to detect errors and damages. AI will help humans research and develop technologies (tools and methods) to repair DNA errors and damages. These technologies may include nanosurgery, mRNA vaccines, CRISPR, and more.  Once humans figure out how to detect and correct genetic damages and errors, voilĂ ! Aging will be in the history books just like so many other diseases eradicated by human knowledge. In this universe there are no problems or limitations other than ignorance. Of course, ignorance is not beaten over time as knowledge takes a long time to be produced and achieved. Ignorance is also a line or infinite continuum. Humans will never know it all. The more it is discovered, the more there is to know.  The medical technologies to beat aging will no...

What is existence, what is life, and what is AI?

January 22, 2023 Existence is a balancing act. Energy seeking equilibrium seems to be everything in this universe. Everything in this universe seems to be "stuff seeking stability" (SSS or "3S"). Everything is in motion (moving or being moved) pushed or pulled by different forces. In seeking balance, equilibrium, or stability, different forms of matter come into existence. The compounded accretion and aggregation of little pieces of stuff seeking stability generate everything in the universe from cosmology to biology, including the generation of intelligence (both human and artificial).  This article looks into cosmology, biology, and intelligence under the perspective of "stuff seeking stability" (3S).   Cosmology The cosmos can be seens as energy seeking stability. The Big Bang theory traces the current universe back to a very dense and hot packet of energy. Instability in the high density and high temperature environment led to stability-seeking expansi...

What is AI, what is the Problem Paradox, what are problems and what are solutions?

January 20, 2024  Artificial intelligence (AI) is human-like computerized problem-solving ability.  The Problem Paradox is that the solutions to problems create more problems, which are oftentimes more complex than the original ones. AI will become humanity's problem-solving utility of choice. AI will solve problems faster than any human--or all of humanity for that matter--could ever solve alone. This means that AI will create more problems faster than any previous technology in the history of humanity. This will be nerve wracking for many, and also an incredible business opportunity for entrepreneurs and investors. This article explores what are problems, what are solutions, and what are common problem-solving techniques. It continues introducing the Creatix Medium's concept of the Problem Paradox and begins to drop a new Creatix concept about the AI of Everything. Let us know what you think. AI is the latest "fad" in computer science, and the hottest bubble craze i...

Will AI be beneficial or harmful? What do Bill Gates and the IMF think in January 2024?

January 16, 2024 The jury is out on whether artificial intelligence (AI) will be beneficial or harmful to humanity. It will be probably both. Some humans will benefit and some will not. Some will benefit more and some will benefit less. The future has not been created yet. It is impossible to know whether humans and all other living and nonliving things on Earth will contribute to the creation of a future where AI will be beneficial or harmful to humanity. Besides, those could be labels or opinions that like beauty could lie in the eyes of the beholders. For sure, the jury is out on the question. Some see AI as a problem. Some see AI as a solution. It will be most likely a combination of both. Those who see AI as an opportunity will most likely fare better than most.   New technologies are always disruptive. In the end, if they are convenient, they are widely adopted. In the human world, convenient always prevails. Whatever is convenient succeeds and moves forward. Take writin...

Will AI help entrepreneurs make more money in 2024? Are AI bots the new slaves?

January 15, 2024 Yes, artificial intelligence (AI) will help human entrepreneurs and investors make money by providing super smart and super cheap labor with which to produce valuable products and services. AI bots are the new slaves. AI will most likely rise to rank as the top human invention of all times. Money and religion will be remain as close contenders.  In this article, some Creatix thoughts to develop intelligence (problem-solving ability) about money. Smart readers and listeners will gather that money is all economic valuation and becoming wealthy is about accumulating valuable property rights (VPR). The best way of making money is working, investing, and producing ("WIPing) until you die.  Yes, making money is all about "WIPings" to accumulate valuable property rights. If you don't believe Creatix, believe Taylor Swift who has been re-recording her albums to regain property rights over her music. She had sold the intellectual property rights to her first ...