January 28, 2024 Creatix, be creative in the matrix Yes, artificial intelligence (AI) will help humans beat aging. Aging is the cumulative impact of DNA damages and errors accumulated over time. AI will monitor DNA sequences to detect errors and damages. AI will help humans research and develop technologies (tools and methods) to repair DNA errors and damages. These technologies may include nanosurgery, mRNA vaccines, CRISPR, and more. Once humans figure out how to detect and correct genetic damages and errors, voilĂ ! Aging will be in the history books just like so many other diseases eradicated by human knowledge. In this universe there are no problems or limitations other than ignorance. Of course, ignorance is not beaten over time as knowledge takes a long time to be produced and achieved. Ignorance is also a line or infinite continuum. Humans will never know it all. The more it is discovered, the more there is to know. The medical technologies to beat aging will no...
Creatix is the world's first business intelligence (BI) matrix. After AI comes BI. Creatix transforms AI into BI. www.creatix.one